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15 votes

How curious is too curious?

I think you might have stumbled onto an issue that first reared its head about two and a half years ago, waaaaay back in early 2016. It started with Is Worldbuilding a What If Site? - a discussion ...
HDE 226868's user avatar
  • 102k
14 votes

What do we do with these messy questions?

It is the responsibility of the OP to ask a clear, concise question That, as of the writing of my answer, is a question run amok. Rather than improving the question, the OP simply appended... and ...
JBH's user avatar
  • 132k
13 votes

Is a question in a title only sufficient, or does it need to be reiterated in the body?

The main reason why I think it is useful to repeat the question in the body of your post is that some questions can be really long. My questions for example are often quite long and that will lead to ...
Secespitus's user avatar
  • 17.8k
13 votes

Catalog of Question Types

I need an infinite list of things. Suitable: Off-Topic Description: These questions are usually idea-generating questions and are easily identified by their unconstrained nature. For example, "...
JBH's user avatar
  • 132k
12 votes

Catalog of Question Types

I need a situation that would enable a character to (do) X Suitable: Off-Topic Description: These questions are about a story set in a world, not about world building. They are sometimes fit for ...
The Square-Cube Law's user avatar
12 votes

Nitpicking - Good or bad?

There's a difference between loop holes and "the spirit of the question." Which are you asking about? And if you're wondering why I asked that question... Asking a good question is hard — ...
JBH's user avatar
  • 132k
12 votes

I'm not understanding what is acceptable and not acceptable here

I read over both questions you cited. I think the first is a bit broad but not overly so. On your question, you don't say what metrics your using to choose one element over another. You just ask. ...
Green's user avatar
  • 52.9k
11 votes

Rage quit, frustration as a factor in question removal

It is a common issue This issue comes open more often than you may think. Two recent examples of people with this issue who started Meta discussion were Vylix, who started the discussion Asked a bad ...
Secespitus's user avatar
  • 17.8k
11 votes

"Am I asking too many questions?" Is it okay to ask more than you answer?

As a general rule of thumb, when a user does something wrong or off, they will notice. Either a moderator will get in touch, or the community will make it visible through comments, votes and meta ...
L.Dutch's user avatar
  • 301k
11 votes

What am I doing wrong in this question?

Any answer we can give here will be purely speculative until the miserable miscreants reveal their own rationales. In skimming the query, I can really only conclude that the issue might be one of your ...
elemtilas's user avatar
  • 41.1k
10 votes

Should speculative biology questions be asked on Worldbuilding or Biology stack exchange?

Questions about speculative evolution are firmly on-topic on WorldBuilding (I am not active on Biology.SE, but in general other sites don't want speculative stuff) Questions involving speculative ...
Secespitus's user avatar
  • 17.8k
10 votes

How do we get a cool popup when a question is asked?

That popup is already active network-wide. But it is only shown the first time you ask a question on a site. See the announcement on Meta Stack Exchange: The new ask page is now live on the network!
Glorfindel's user avatar
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10 votes

Messed Up a Question

Once a question gets answer(s) it is preferred that any edit doesn't invalidate them, out of respect for those who put effort in writing them and to avoid that a QA site turns out into a forum where ...
L.Dutch's user avatar
  • 301k
9 votes

Catalog of Question Types

I need a finite list of things Suitable: On-Topic Description: These questions seek insight into a class of issues (I use "class" in the programming sense) that often leads to a bullet ...
JBH's user avatar
  • 132k
9 votes

Is the World building forum less effective than using individual forums related to your question?

You should ask a question on WorldBuilding.SE if you are interested in the perspective of worldbuilders. There are times when people can ask a question in similar form on multiple sites. But the ...
Secespitus's user avatar
  • 17.8k
9 votes

Is a question asking for a method to generate ideas generally considered "too broad"?

Maybe my question should have had a list of requirements the method/answer shall fulfill (to narrow down the spectrum of valid methods and allow one answer to be clearly the best). This one. Think ...
L.Dutch's user avatar
  • 301k
9 votes

Minimum necessary context for answering questions and interlinked questions on Worldbuilding SE

If someone says that an answer is not appropriate because of context outside the body of the question, I suggest voting to close as "needs more details or clarity". This is the textbook ...
The Square-Cube Law's user avatar
9 votes

How should we deal with "vexatious questions?"

Assume the Best; Insist on the Awesomely Sufficient Assume the Best I think the best approach to any problem that, ultimately, distils down to a personal issue (in this case the querent's) is to ...
elemtilas's user avatar
  • 41.1k
8 votes

Is a question in a title only sufficient, or does it need to be reiterated in the body?

While I agree that a question can be located solely in the title, getting the format of the body right to accommodate that decision can be tricky. In this particular case, the body of the question ...
Frostfyre's user avatar
  • 25.2k
8 votes

Catalog of Question Types

Is it possible to X Alternate Patterns: What do you think about X? Suitability: On-Topic Description: These questions frequently ask Worldbuilding participants to verify the ...
JBH's user avatar
  • 132k
8 votes

Why can't I put my own questions on hold - or have it happen automatically

The designed mechanism for that is Sandbox for Proposed Questions - if you need to use it, use it. If you feel you do not need to use it - write it right. Many people here write all, or most, of their ...
Mołot's user avatar
  • 33.4k
8 votes

Cultural Worldbuilding: How to avoid closure?

Avoiding Closure A guide to writing soft-science questions which survive Seek Causes, Not Effects - soft-science questions which ask "what would happen if..." lead to speculative answers which ...
Henry Taylor's user avatar
  • 69.3k
8 votes

What Am I Doing Wrong?

Just wanted to encourage you to make use of the sandbox to tune your questions before posting them, as people can help you avoid certain pitfalls. Also, come visit the chat, as we can help you ...
AndyD273's user avatar
  • 34.9k
7 votes

Catalog of Question Types

How would X change if Y Suitable: On-Topic Description: These questions ask what the consequences would be if something we consider normal were changed. For example, such a question may ...
JBH's user avatar
  • 132k
7 votes

Why Was This Question So Well-Received?

Well, I think the answer here is that it's just the vagaries of Stack Exchange. It all depends on who's interested in what and who's reading your questions and what mood they're in. Frankly, even ...
elemtilas's user avatar
  • 41.1k
7 votes

Exactly what makes my question too broad?

Honestly I have the same feedback for this question that I had for the other one you asked the other day. The point of the stack is not to build a machine for you that you can use to solve ...
Morris The Cat's user avatar
7 votes

How to make a "Fishing for Ideas" question fit on Worldbuilding Main

I concur... An edit delineating exactly how far from shore one may fish and what sort of license one needs to fish in these waters would solve a lot of problems. Main issues I see: The old "VTC ...
elemtilas's user avatar
  • 41.1k
7 votes

How to make a "Fishing for Ideas" question fit on Worldbuilding Main

CC BY-SA Do not forget that all "user contributions [are] licensed under CC BY-SA". Answering a question with facts, or even with barely supported opinions, is unproblematic; facts and ...
AlexP's user avatar
  • 97.8k
7 votes

How to make a "Fishing for Ideas" question fit on Worldbuilding Main

Simple: YOU DON'T Generally, fishing for ideas is defined in all those cases, that the question is extremely broad and there are no real factors that make one answer better than another. As a result, ...
Trish's user avatar
  • 17.2k
7 votes

Is it ok to ask questions that don't have specific worldbuilding use?

Yes What matters more is good content that demonstrably relates to building a fictional world; what matters less is whether you are actively using that particular idea in constructing your own world ...
elemtilas's user avatar
  • 41.1k

Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible