
As far as I can tell, the "custom filter" offers no such option. Is there another way I am missing?

To be specific, I'd like to modify the list of questions on https://worldbuilding.stackexchange.com/ to only include questions that are not yet marked with "[closed]".


2 Answers 2


As is described on meta.se You can filter for only closed questions by adding closed:1 to your search terms. Conversely if you use the search term closed:0 you can search only for open questions.

As pointed out by VLAZ there's documentation about advanced search options in the Help Center.


Yes, there is no way to exclude closed posts using a custom filter.

You can still use the site search for that. The search text needed is is:q closed:no which will give you only questions which are not closed. The result can further be sorted by newest or by score.

For more filters and search options see the help centre article on searching.


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