Recently there was a Meta discussion about Deletion of Comments from Sandbox? and according with Monica's comment I want to start a discussion about the usefulness of comments under graduated/abandoned Sandbox drafts.
My personal opinion is that comments under the draft are not necessary anymore when a draft has graduated. It's ready for the main site so the comments have served their purpose and the OP decided to move on with the draft. The only people who can still see the comments are the OP, who either decided to follow or ignore the advice they got, and people with more than 10k reputation, who rarely will need to look through random Sandbox drafts to get ideas on how to ask questions. They likely know their way around and have specific problems in mind when posting a draft themselves, or they are searching for people who need help, in which less clutter is definitely better to scroll through the Sandbox.
Comments under abandoned posts on the other hand can be really important in case the person ever comes back to the draft. Maybe they started the draft and then had something important come up in their life that made them unavailable for some time while people were commenting under their draft. These comments might be useful as the OP maybe didn't have time to read through and think about them.
In any case comments can pose a problem to users of the Sandbox because they are taking up a lot of space, which makes it harder to find posts that still need help if you can see the deleted posts. They are also contributing to the slower loading of the site for users that can see them, which was a problem we had with the 2017-2018 Sandbox.
What is the opinion of the community about this matter?
Are comments still needed, meaning that we shouldn't create such a policy or even create a policy that is discouraging the deletion of comments under graduated/abandoned drafts? Or should we create a policy that comments should be deleted/moved under certain circumstances to remove clutter and make the Sandbox easier to use? Or is it something that doesn't really matter and we should leave things as they are and simply spin up a new Sandbox when the old one gets harder to use?