My question today has essentially already been asked. The reason I've decided to ask it again in a different question is because the question mentioned was asked 6 months ago, and also that what I'm asking today is not exactly the same but very similar.
This stack's beta has been extremely successful so far. Participation is very good, question quality (in my opinion) is fairly high (albeit certain questions aren't perfect), and overall content has remained fresh and useful. All of our stats on Area 51 are 'excellent' except for questions per day(QPD), which are 'okay'. My question is, why would we not try to boost QPD slightly in order to make all of our stats read 'excellent'? I understand that we don't want quality to fall but I feel like we have the user-count to support 1.2 more QPD so why wouldn't we try to get there? Can we (as a community) support that growth without sacrificing quality? Also, If not, what is stopping us? And finally, What 'cons' are there in achieving 10 QPD?
Also, if this is too redundant because of the similar question let me know and I'll just take it down (I really won't mind), just trying to bring this up because it bugs me!