Some of those specific topics I'd love to eventually write to let out my mad inner storyteller:
- Handwavium or Hardcore? What does my story need?
- Building an Economy 101: Supply and Demand
- Chekov's Shotgun vs. Scenery Porn
Of course, no idea when I'll get around to actually writing any of that; especially since May and June tend to be busier months at work. Late April has been mercifully quiet, which is why I've had time to join in on this stack exchange at all.
Just as a couple of quick notes from a past blogger:
People tend to stay longer and look around if you have some eye-catching elements (without them being too loud and garish, of course). Using purely a default wordpress style is generally not going to help with that. I did things like tweak the CSS and added a new custom banner to my chosen template to mix things up a bit.
Although it wasn't an issue for me in the past, these days you've also got to consider whether you have a site with big buttons to attract mobile device users, and whether you want a narrow-width site so you can attract people with antique PCs with rubbish resolutions; and again, small screen mobile devices.
Your main source of income (of visitors) is links from other popular places; though Google does throw some people your way on occassion, especially when you have some unique topics. For instance, things like my old Touhoumon posts and visual novel diaries got alot more google hits because no one had written much about them. Funny posts also tend to get more referrals and pingbanks, of course.
Finally, if you want to carry on with Hitchhikers guide references, it does lend itself to several workshop type topics:
- The Improbability Drive: [Insert Reality Check Topic Here]
- Petunias at Terminal Velocity: ['The things not to do' type Topic Here]
- Restaurant at the End of the Universe: [Insert posthumous world
analysis Topic Here]