This is an attempt to settle a discussion started by Mourdos almost a year ago. I would like to know what others think of this. There is the full version here but I made some modifications to the proposition, see below.
I believe this could help people write their questions and help users determine if the questions should be left open or closed. Even if the questions fall into these categories, it's always required to have some kind of scope, otherwise it could still be too broad. Overall, this is just a general guideline and it's not because a question doesn't meet these criteria that it should automatically be closed. Hopefully, we might be able to improve it, in order to make it even more useful.
We can classify most questions into categories. Using 3 things to classify them.
- A is the START
- B is the RESULT
- X is the CHANGE or process
Giving these types of questions:
- I have A and X, give me B
- I have B and X, give me A
- I have A and B, give me X
Or in plain English:
- I have START and CHANGE, give me RESULT : "What happens if I do this?" (Good)
- I have RESULT and CHANGE, give me START : "How was it before?" (Good)
- I have START and RESULT, give me CHANGE : "How would I cause this?" (Good)
The other combinations are not mentioned: having only one of these and asking for the other two is always too broad. It's typical of unclear or incomplete questions.
Other possibilities
I have either START or RESULT : "Is this plausible?"
Asking information about something specific can be on-topic as reality-check but can sometimes lack basic research. A lot of questions asking about a good concept but with no tomorrow falls into this category