We, the people of WorldbuildingSE, certainly are a bunch of folks that love their stories.
We enjoy padding questions with bits of stories and make answers more easily to palate by mixing facts with our own fiction. Yet regularly I encounter answers just like this one where the balance between the two is so off that any attempt to answer a question is drowned-out completely by the imagination a user wants/needs to share.
While I understand that people want to share and take part in a world, it still doesn't help the question. And, in some cases, can even become counter-intuitive if not harmful to the question.
Downvoting & commenting does usually not help and trying to find help to such issues in the chat or on the meta both takes usually way too long, so that such answers get mindlessly upvoted by aficionados of the written word, even if the answer is not conducive to the question.
While there is a not an answer flag, that one states:
This was posted as an answer, but it does not attempt to answer the question. It should possibly be an edit, a comment, another question, or deleted altogether.
Emphasis mine
Which is not the case in this case. These answers often try to provide an answer but get caught up in their own storification and thus result in a mess that is hard to understand. It would be great being able to tell the user in a meaningful way that their answer is not helping, without claiming them not trying to answer at all.
Therefore I request a new type of flag to be used for such a situation, the
This isn't an answer, it's a story-flag
The idea is for a review process to kick-in where users reviewing understand why the question was flagged. As stated the description provided with a not an answer flag is talking about the answer actively not even attempting to answer while these answer are more of an overeager attempt to answer a question - at least to me these two things do not even come close to each other.
You have an idea for a new feature, or for a change to the existing functionality.