Last night I posted a new blog post and created the corresponding community event. It shows up correctly on meta:
However, the new event is missing on main:
Note: Since posting this question, the events have changed -- the Brutal Builder is now the "old" one that shows up everywhere, and there's a new one, The Tools of Battle, that appears only on meta. We're getting one event on main but two on meta.
The same thing happened when I created the event for the previous blog post on Saturday night. Before that, events showed up correctly. We generally show two recent blog posts.
On main the slot is instead given to a "hot" meta question, but those are only supposed to be used to fill in if there's nothing more important to show in the box. Community events are supposed to trump that.
This isn't a problem on all sites. Look at the Community Bulletin from Mi Yodeya (main site):
Two community events! It's working for them but not for us.
How do we get our events to show correctly on main? The whole point of the events is to publicize things to the many users who don't come to meta.
I've tried un-featuring some meta posts here, thinking those were pushing out events even though events should "win". It didn't help; now we get plain old non-featured meta posts, but not both of our blog-post events.