In my time using this site, I have noticed that when I have more than 200 earned reputation from upvotes, that I instead get only 200. I already know that this is by design, so this is not an issue.
I also noticed that upon losing reputation, that it would remain at 200 instead of going down, because the total earned reputation for that day still exceeded 200 even with the -1 or -2 taken into consideration.
This no longer is happening.
At the time I wrote this question, I had the following stats:
18 answer upvotes $ = 18\times10=180 $
3 answer downvotes $ = -2\times3=-6 $
5 question upvotes $ = 5\times10 = 50 $
0 question downvotes $= 0$
$$ = 224 $$
However, I am listed as having earned only $196$ reputation. This seems to have occurred because the upvotes that were not counted due to the 200 limit were not then re-evaluated upon the loss of reputation.
Why am I losing reputation despite having enough upvotes to prevent it?
Is this a deliberate change? Or is this a bug?
I don't like lowering my own reputation, so I was encouraged to downvote more often before this change. I liked the idea of being rewarded for high quality posts by being able to downvote without losing reputation.