The question wasn't closed because it was unclear what was being asked. The question was closed because it was too opinion based.
Personally I think that is an excellent question to discuss with friends over coffee or alcohol. The thing is that discussion questions are a bad format for this site. Discussion prompts are great for talking over for hours. They are not good for clearly identifying whether an answer is good or not.
It's also very broad. Science is an umbrella that covers everything from the smallest of the largest of the large. You could say that it's an attempt at the systematic understanding of everything. That question is asking Where in our attempt to understand everything would we stop if we lived in a cave?. There's a different answer for every discipline. Each sub-discipline will need to be covered. There is no way for anyone to provide a complete answer to this question in the character limit for answers on this site.
While we have guidelines about when you should upvote and downvote questions the voting process is intentionally anonymous. We have no way of controlling when people vote on questions. It is for this reason that we don't take into account upvotes and downvotes when voting to close questions.