A year ago, we had Should the help center be updated to specifically list real world history questions as off topic?Should the help center be updated to specifically list real world history questions as off topic?, to which nobody ever proposed an answer other than yes, let's list them as specifically off topic.
Now, we have just recently had Is a “real world” question off topic?Is a “real world” question off topic? with, admittedly, somewhat more activity, which appears to have concluded that yes, questions about the real world actually are on topic.
Given this, and perhaps more importantly to avoid further confusion, I feel that the help center needs to be updated.
In the answers to this question, propose changes to the help center article what topics can I ask about here? to clarify this.
I suggest marking answers as community wiki to allow people to make minor adjustments to them. Any substantially new or different suggestion should obviously get its own answer, so that voting works properly. Only one suggestion per answer; a single suggestion may involve adding, removing or updating several parts of the article, but must form a logical whole which relates to the on-topic-ness of real world questions. Then vote to indicate which variant you feel captures the site's scope best.
And, just to clarify: This question is not about whether real-world questions should be on topic or not! That has already been discussed in the above-linked meta questions. This question is about how we can clarify the site's subject scope in the help center.