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109 votes

Thoughts from Worldbuilding Stack Exchange moderators on the dismissal of Monica Cellio

I'm extraordinarily frustrated by the situation as it stands. I apologize that I cannot at the moment present the specific views and interactions that led to Monica's dismissal. While I can't condone ...
HDE 226868's user avatar
  • 102k
71 votes

Thoughts from Worldbuilding Stack Exchange moderators on the dismissal of Monica Cellio

I think frustrated and tired pretty effectively sum up my feelings and the feelings of many moderators across the network after the last few days. So first a shout out to Monica. She is one of the ...
James's user avatar
  • 32.9k
63 votes

Moderator resignation

Thank you for all your contributions here, on Writing, and elsewhere on the network. It was a pleasure to work with you. I'm sorry Stack Exchange made it end this way.
Monica Cellio's user avatar
50 votes

Moderator resignation

Welcome to the 21st Century! I noted a few politically hot key words in Monica's excellent post over on mi yodea. "Inclusion", in case anyone has been living under a rock, does not mean ...
elemtilas's user avatar
  • 40.9k
19 votes

Moderator resignation

Thanks for the contributions you have made here, and for the guidance you have provided over my year and peanuts of moderatorship.
L.Dutch's user avatar
  • 296k
19 votes

Moderator resignation

Monica was booted? Monica?!?! First and foremost, a CVn, please accept my admiration, respect, and gratitude for your services as moderator. We've agreed and we've disagreed, but I've always ...
JBH's user avatar
  • 128k
18 votes

Is strict moderating discouraging newer members to add to the community?

I'm one of the mods here, but I have a tendency to stay away from unilaterally closing questions from anyone, at least immediately after they've been asked. The big problem with me voting to close, of ...
HDE 226868's user avatar
  • 102k
16 votes

Moderator resignation

Extremely disturbed by SEs behavior in this matter and the apparent total disregard for community wishes which clearly support Monica overwhelmingly. Not a moderator, but I will be stopping all ...
StephenG - Help Ukraine's user avatar
16 votes

How to stop a moderator when they have too much power?

Let's have a short recap of your deeds: you post several questions which are poorly thought and a poor fit for this community said questions get closed and downvoted, resulting in your profile being ...
L.Dutch's user avatar
  • 296k
14 votes

How/why does the Community mod close questions?

That's the user themselves closing the question as a duplicate. When someone votes to close as a duplicate the user is asked whether they agree - and when they do the community user with his "mod ...
Secespitus's user avatar
  • 17.7k
13 votes

Why were *two* mods required to close this question?

L.Dutch wasn't yet a moderator when they voted to close that question (on July 9th); they were only elected on July 17th, over one week later. Prior to that, they had normal 20k+ privileges, but not a ...
HDE 226868's user avatar
  • 102k
12 votes

Moderator Post Closing Policy

I'm more of a screwdriver1 person, not a hammer person. There are so many things about questions on Worldbuilding that give me a headache. Like our constant battles with Good Subjective, Bad ...
HDE 226868's user avatar
  • 102k
12 votes

Should moderators mark a high voted answer as the accepted answer after a while?

Only the OP can accept an answer. Moderators can't override that. It's the OP's prerogative to give the checkmark to a good answer, a less-good answer that he says worked for him, or no answer at ...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
11 votes

My answer was deleted. An explanation is warranted

I wasn't involved in any of this, so I might as well respond as an independent observer. First, here's the answer, for the sake of discussion. I need some form of cataclysm or near-cataclysmic event ...
HDE 226868's user avatar
  • 102k
10 votes

How much time does moderating this site actually consume?

As a mod elsewhere - If you can't spend the time flagging, editing, and otherwise helping make the site better now, you're not going to find the time to moderate. One of the funny things about being ...
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
10 votes

Is strict moderating discouraging newer members to add to the community?

I've got a few thoughts on this too, although I'm not a moderator so the answers you've gotten from L.Dutch and HDE may be more what you're looking for. The challenge here is in error rates - because ...
Dubukay's user avatar
  • 12.2k
10 votes

Moderator resignation

Sad to see you go as well but I get it. Hopefully you'll be sticking around the main site. Appreciate all the conversations we've had. J
James's user avatar
  • 32.9k
8 votes

Thoughts from Worldbuilding Stack Exchange moderators on the dismissal of Monica Cellio

I've just heard about Monica Cellio's dismissal from her post as a moderator on a number of SE sites. Having not seen the evidence that SE used to form the conclusion that the action that they took ...
Monty Wild's user avatar
  • 65k
8 votes

Sandbox clones for other SE sites

SE has several communities, each specialized in a different domain: Aviation, Worldbuilding, History, Interpersonal, just to name a few. Why is it so? Well, it is just common sense to cluster a ...
L.Dutch's user avatar
  • 296k
8 votes

WB Stack Moderator Referendum?

Even if a referendum was supported by Stack Exchange, mods doing their job is not a valid reason for removal. We have a process in place to deal with moderator misconduct. As you yourself say, there ...
sphennings's user avatar
  • 21.4k
7 votes

How much time does moderating this site actually consume?

At the moment, we handle, on average, about 10 flags per day (others we wait and let the community deal with). There are four of us, and we generally all take equal parts in the work, so we each ...
HDE 226868's user avatar
  • 102k
7 votes

Is strict moderating discouraging newer members to add to the community?

One of the moderators here. Back in the first times of the Internet, it was good practice, when joining an internet community, to spend some time just lurking around and observing the behaviors in ...
L.Dutch's user avatar
  • 296k
7 votes

My answer was deleted. An explanation is warranted

Explanation warranted? I think the only real explanation that is needed is why you wrote such a horrible answer in the first place! Here's how I see the situation: The response itself --- I concur ...
elemtilas's user avatar
  • 40.9k
7 votes

Problematic moderation actions

Comments, apart from being extremely volatile in nature, are meant to improve the question or ask for clarification, not to discuss with other users nor to answer the question. Putting a frame ...
L.Dutch's user avatar
  • 296k
7 votes

WB Stack Moderator Referendum?

WB has changed, a lot, several times. The stack I joined isn't the one you joined, I was already fading out as you became active. The stack as it is now isn't that one either. I miss the one I joined, ...
Separatrix's user avatar
  • 118k
6 votes

Sandbox clones for other SE sites

I would argue that we don't really need to increase traffic to Worldbuilding. Worldbuilding SE is getting a fair amount of traffic. It's certainly as active as, if not more so than, both Physics and ...
user's user avatar
  • 29k
6 votes

Is strict moderating discouraging newer members to add to the community?

Do you think newer people could/should get some "getting-used-to-it"-time so they can explore the ins and outs of the site and how to partake properly? Not only on Stack Exchange sites, but in all ...
The Square-Cube Law's user avatar
6 votes

Should moderators mark a high voted answer as the accepted answer after a while?

I just want to add to Monica's answer by saying that there have been times when I have not gotten what I considered to be an acceptable answer to my question. The question remained, as did its ...
DaaaahWhoosh's user avatar
  • 20.1k
5 votes

How much time does moderating this site actually consume?

What HDE 226868 said here is generally true. One thing I would add is that I pay a lot of attention to meta. I have a browser tab open on meta all the time, and I also visit main a few times a day (...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
5 votes

When do you fire a moderator?

Can we fire a moderator? Sort of. Anyone can raise a complaint against a moderator. Community Managers can remove moderators. If enough other moderators on the site agree a moderator can be ...
Tim B's user avatar
  • 77.3k

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