1. [An auto awarded bounty is only given half of the reputation.]
[An auto awarded bounty is only given half of the reputation.]:http://worldbuilding.stackexchange.com/help/bounty

> If you do not award your bounty within 7 days (plus the grace period),
> the highest voted answer created after the bounty started with a
> minimum score of 2 will be awarded **half the bounty amount**. If two or
> more eligible answers have the same score (their scores are tied), the
> oldest answer is chosen. If there's no answer meeting those criteria,
> no bounty is awarded to anyone.

 2. Do you remember the exact moment when you created the bounty? It was the 26 of may and only one answer was posted after that moment. 

> the highest voted answer created **after the bounty started** with a
> minimum score of 2 will be awarded half the bounty amount.