Alternate reality requires understanding reality, should we help? = Worldbuilding Stack Exchange exists to help users in their worldbuilding. One particular branch of worldbuilding is alternate reality, something that starts in our understanding of reality, and then branching out from there. The issue that tends to crop up when users ask for information about reality — in order to start an alternate reality — is that they get shut down with "Too story based", one recent example being [this one][1] (*), or being told to ask on other SE forums. Alternate reality worldbuilding requires an understanding of reality in order to make an alternate version of it. Asking for help in understanding reality is solving a problem that is a hinderance to the worldbuilder. And even if a branching event that initates the alternate reality is a small story, the purpose is still to form a foundation for building a world. Yes, there are lots and lots of Stack Exchanges concerning reality. However, turning up in such SEs and saying "Hello, here is a science fiction scenario, please advice" I feel is not nearly as likely to engage the creative muscles, as it would here. The out-of-the-box thinkers are _here_, as hilariously examplified [in this classic answer][2]. So, I am wondering: are we really supposed to shut down such questions on "Too Story Based", or send them elsewehere, even we can see that the purpose is to understand the world as it is in order to build an alternate version of it? --- *) Yes, I know the close reason says "Duplicate" but that is simply wrong, as the referenced link is a related but different question. The comments say "TSB" [1]: [2]: