The synopsis of [what makes a question Too Story Based][1] is as follows: > Asking about plot elements such as the actions of characters, rather than about the world in which your story takes place, is off-topic on Worldbuilding However, I've noticed a **lot** of questions closed as "Too Story Based" that in my opinion don't qualify for closure. Examples include: * [Why can an interstellar ship only carry 8 people? \[closed\]][2] * [Why does the only magical healer, predisposed to prioritizing healing over anything else, have any free time?][3] (Reopened) * [How can an unholy Trinity to be worshipped as one being? \[closed\]][4] My understanding is that the **purpose** of each question is to serve the story, so a lot of people VTC. For example, the purpose of the first question is to end up with a ship small enough for 8 characters. However, the goal of nearly *every* aspect of a fictional world is to serve the story - either by directly furthering the plot, or by indirectly expanding the setting and themes. That doesn't mean asking how to make the world is story-based. In my opinion, the **subject** of each question is about building a fictional world, and that's what matters. All of these questions are about concrete elements such as spaceships (1st question), magic (2nd), and religion (3rd). Sure, some questions may appear to be *framed* around "this is what I need to achieve for my plot" but that doesn't mean the process of achieving it isn't the on-topic construction of a fictional world. ---------- How does the community stand on the application of the Story-Based VTC? Do people generally agree that people are voting to close this class of valid questions too liberally? Or are these closures justified? ---------- **EDIT:** I don't think this is a duplicate of [this question][5] because this post seeks specific discussion about a particular type of question in the context of specific recent examples. [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: