Questions tagged [feature-request]

You have an idea for a new feature, or for a change to the existing functionality.

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1 vote
1 answer

Allow internal-consistency tags with science-fiction, science-based, or hard-science tags

The internal-consistency tag currently reads: For questions that ask if a given concept is consistent, or being used consistently, in the context of the referenced world rules. Answers should say yes ...
4 votes
3 answers

Proposal : An automated "tutorial" notification for new users with low-score posts

Prior note While in most cases a proposal's score is a clear indicator of how much it is accepted, it will be hardly the case here. Indeed, we're talking about new user engagment here, and newcomers -...
1 vote
4 answers

Could we change the standard moderator action for off-topic questions from closure to migration?

A great many questions on this site are regularly closed for being off-topic. Usually, it's a new user asking for broader creative ideas or something deemed too subjective to be specifically ...
8 votes
2 answers

Should the unofficial "1 Day Rule" become an suggestion?

I think that the "1 day rule" - a unofficial guideline where a user should wait at least a day before accepting an answer - should be an actual suggestion, and not just "unofficial"...
0 votes
1 answer

Users should be able to flag tags for review

Among my various rejected edits, one particularly stood out: the now-synonymized sophont tag. I was unable to suggest synonymization, so I did the next best thing: edit the tag to accurately reflect ...
0 votes
2 answers

How can I search better for topics already covered?

Twice now I've started to ask a question only to be told parts were already covered. Would be so much easier to have a Search Box up top, to be able to search knowledge base before trying to formulate ...
3 votes
3 answers

How to ask a really big question?

Ok so here’s the sitch. I wanna ask a question on the normal World Building Stack Exchange website but the question I’ve prepared is absolutely massive in size. Like, at least 900 words total. It ...
1 vote
2 answers

Inhouse widgets?

Some of the other SE sites have some real formatting wizardry going on: chess allows for move by move playback in the post, others have video embedding features. Although not all posts on WB would ...
10 votes
1 answer

Definitions of Site-Specific Jargon

The stated purpose of the Help Center is to provide Detailed answers to any questions you might have Something that I have observed in many newcomers to Worldbuilding.SE (and have experienced myself)...
16 votes
3 answers

Can we extend mhchem support in MathJax to include physical units?

You may or may not be aware that Worldbuilding.SE (partially) supports the mhchem MathJax extension, that allows for nice rendering of chemical formulae. I only discovered it quite recently. It lets ...
0 votes
1 answer

Change hovertext for meta votes?

Meta-Votes are different; they often refer to agreement or disagreement. However, the hovertext still says stuff about research and clarity. This can be confusing to new Meta users. Can we change the ...
-6 votes
1 answer

Should we make a "unsure" tag?

Occasionally, although not often, there's a question where I can't figure out how to tag it. Usually I'll make one that fits, but low-rep users might not be able to do this. So, should we make a "...
10 votes
3 answers

Opinion-based close text, should we customize it?

Update: It seems that my reading of the meta post linked was incorrect, we aren't able to change the text in the way proposed, alas. In the reopen review queue we often deal with questions which have ...
0 votes
2 answers

More responsibility for VTC's

At one point I made the following question: Creating a scientifically semi-valid super-soldier, part 1: Skeleton At first it was an amalgemation of many questions and got VTC'd (the first answer is ...
-4 votes
2 answers

Can we have a standardized system for determining how specific tags can be?

I have been on Worldbuilding Stack Exchange for slightly over a year and I have realized that many very specific and rarely used tags exist. On the other hand, certain topics only have very broad tags ...
-4 votes
1 answer

Is necroing a question really okay?

Sometimes I see really old questions get brought back up to the top. Sometimes it is beneficial since there are lots of answers and quite a few useful bits of info in them, but in other cases, they ...
9 votes
2 answers

Move good answers on a duplicate to the original question

Inspired by this question, and partially addressed in this meta post. First off, the question linked isn't closed, and may never be, so this is more of a general question cum proposal. Should there ...
2 votes
2 answers

Should "You are asking questions about a story set in a world instead of about building a world...." closure reason be reworded?

You are asking questions about a story set in a world instead of about building a world. For more information, see Why is my question "Too Story Based" and how do I get it opened? There ...
-3 votes
2 answers

Alternate way of responding to overly broad questions

This idea was incited by this question here, but it should be considered a general suggestion. The question was being closed as "too broad" because there are many ways for a laser to damage different ...
19 votes
6 answers

Hanging up my spurs now that the horse is dead - an open letter to SE about why their model is wrong

This is a really hard post to write. It's been coming for a while and I'll admit I'm of mixed feelings about it but I'm making the right decision here even if it hurts a little. A big part of me wants ...
-1 votes
5 answers

We are Too Ready to Close Questions - how to change this?

In my view, questions are being closed too readily - how do we change this? I am a relatively new regular on WorldBuilding being only here for a bit under 2 years. I enjoy coming here and giving ...
1 vote
1 answer

Why we don't have a high fantasy tag?

We have tags for different fantasy genres: low-fantasy, urban-fantasy, and well as magic for general fantasy questions, but what always struck me as odd is that we don't have a tag for high fantasy. ...
2 votes
0 answers

Can we add other stack exchanges to our “Close Off-Topic” list?

This question How much antimatter can we theoretically hold in a Minimum Magnetic Field Trap? should move to Physics SE. But when I vote to close as off-topic, the only migration option is WB Meta. ...
8 votes
1 answer

Should We Change Upvoting Functionality for Comments?

If you upvote a comment and then try to remove the upvote, you get the following message: Are you sure you want to undo your upvote on this comment? You will not be able to upvote it again And ...
-2 votes
2 answers

Should Proofreader be a Silver Badge?

The badge is as follows: Proofreader Approve or reject 100 suggested edits However, considering the fact that one needs 2,000 reputation in order to do so: I ...
0 votes
2 answers

Two new features?

Could there be, in the future, a Random Question link, kind of like in sites such as Wikipedia, which redirects users to a random question in Worldbuilding? Also, could there maybe be a shorter time ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Why not show the people who reopened?

Why does SE show the users who help put your question on hold but does not show the users who helped reopen your question? This seems off to me not to give the reopeners equal credit. I would rather ...
1 vote
1 answer

A closed question that has recieved multiple edits, opened again, then reverted to its original state, why can't I vote to close it?

There seems to be an issue with editing questions, not yet (as of the date of this question) settled. There is another, perhaps buggy issue with question edits, the initial form of the question was ...
2 votes
4 answers

Is there room for improvement on the close/reopen question features?

I'm slightly perplexed regarding the re-open mechanism on WB.SE. While it seems to work relatively well on some other SE network I use (namely RPG.SE), I have the feeling the nature of WB makes it ...
0 votes
1 answer

Modify the "How do I write a good answer" help center page to clarify worldbuilding

Call this a three-part question. Question #1: Can the Help Center "How do I write a good answer" page be modified by our wonderful Mods? If "no," the rest of this question is ...
2 votes
1 answer

Active Sandbox, moving target, good idea? Don't be silly

A few times that I've wanted to give advice in comments on main regarding the way to approach questions, I've wanted to refer the users to try using the sandbox as a way to develop their approach to ...
6 votes
2 answers

Cryo-Tags Suggestion / Proposal (cold stuff)

I'm trying to define a QA context about especially cold ice-worlds(maybe they should be called cryo-worlds), where surface temperature range 0-100°K. I noticed there is not a tag for ice-world, nor ...
14 votes
7 answers

Should we improve the discoverability of our Sandbox?

I think you've seen this pattern: a new user have an interesting idea, it contains a "grain" of a good, suitable question (sometimes several), and they post it in a way that don't fit our ...
-4 votes
4 answers

Suggestion for improved sandbox

I'd like to propose we make use of the existing structure of SE for sandbox questions instead of artificially putting them inside Meta. I've not been able to find a previous discussion about this ...
-1 votes
2 answers

Additional review tools?

I've been doing some reviewing lately, and I think two additional features in the review queue would be very helpful. First, enable the "see vote counts" from within the review tools, normally ...
3 votes
0 answers

Floating robot bounces a lot [duplicate]

I like the robot who floats in the lower left corner of the page. But he bounces during scrolling. A lot. (Update: I was using Edge. With Firefox the robot stays in place.) I believe web designers ...
-2 votes
2 answers

Can we add "Logically Self-Contradicting" as a reason for closeure

I am wording it this way to avoid encompassing magic but the idea is to be able to close 'uneducated' questions (for lack of better words). Questions that contradict themselves or more precisely ...
84 votes
1 answer

Save The Robot!

linked: What will we lose with the redesign? As said in this answer to site-changes, there is a possibility that we may lose these figures and the contruction-edge at the bottom of the page. ...
5 votes
0 answers

Why are the comment shorthand links not supported for answers as well?

While composing an answer to Sandbox style Meta for characters or story help? I noticed for the first time that the [] shorthand link for denoting other stack exchange sites isn't ...
28 votes
6 answers

Please lower the reputation requirement to participate on WB.SE Meta

This is a follow-up to the well-received discussion Should the rep requirement for Meta be lowered to 1? Currently users need 5 reputation to participate in Meta. The reason for this requirement, ...
-4 votes
2 answers

Why does the reputation system exist?

Why does the reputation system exist? Seriously, just why? I mean, there's the somewhat necessary thing about you can't do this until x amount of rep for the servers/software sake which I can ...
-4 votes
2 answers

Should we have "unbuilding" flags for comments?

I've recently noticed that posts tend to have one or two "unbuilding" comments. I think these are not only unnecessary but also semi-rude: a premise has been set and should be believed in ...
0 votes
2 answers

How to clear comments

The Problem Some questions start out flawed, this summons a wave of either Support and suggestions on how to improve Tonnes of whining about how it is a crap question Both of these really distract ...
-8 votes
1 answer

Worldbuilding Discord Server

In case you don't know, Discord is somewhat of a chatroom. (I know that Worldbuilding already has them). Discord is much more polished as a communication medium, you can create different 'channels' ...
9 votes
1 answer

MathJax and Pending Edits

I've had a couple rejected edits dealing with converting math->MathJax. I think I'm starting to see why. On the suggested edit form that reviewers see, the MathJax doesn't convert to the final form. ...
7 votes
0 answers

Can we change the privilege page for "comment everywhere" to explicitly mention magic links?

Magic links for comments are great They allow you to very easily write helpful comments, as they allow you to link to each sites most important resources with very short links where you don't need to ...
4 votes
1 answer

Any way to remove the yellow duck (help tooltip)?

Is there any way to close the help tooltip that appears at the bottom-right corner of the screen ? As I usually zoom in to make the text more readable, that yellow duck becomes bigger and bigger, and ...
2 votes
2 answers

Can you ask questions anonymously?

On SE sites is there an option to post questions anonymously so they don't show your name or show up on your user data? (I have put "support" and "feature request" as tags because i dont know whether ...
1 vote
1 answer

Closing Low Quality Posts: More Options

A lot of the time, low quality answers are either irrelevant or are better stated as a comment on the question. There is no option to provide feedback on either of these, since they are not comments ...
-6 votes
2 answers

Private Messages - I think we need them

I understand that this is not a conventional forum and I'm not suggesting that we have off-topic boards or anything like that, BUT... There are times when conversations in comments need to be kept ...