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6 votes
1 answer

Robot bleeds into non-maximized page

I was visiting the site and noticed a weird blur along the left margin. Turns out this is apparently the robot's shadow, which somehow ends up being rendered on the page even when I can't see the ...
tripleee's user avatar
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Move the robot... with tags?

Hovering over certain tags moves the robot up when the browser is narrow: (At the width I'm at, it's only the second, third, and fourth tags on questions that trigger this on the Home pages, and the ...
Laurel's user avatar
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Floating robot bounces a lot [duplicate]

I like the robot who floats in the lower left corner of the page. But he bounces during scrolling. A lot. (Update: I was using Edge. With Firefox the robot stays in place.) I believe web designers ...
Zan Lynx's user avatar
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Site background image flicker

While scrolling up/down a page, the background image no longer flows smoothly like it used to. At least, I thought it used to. The image to the left, of the robot and the person with the long hair ...
Aaron's user avatar
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Bug: Medal selection overlapped by tabs on user page

Earned a new badge today on Meta, but noticed that the option bar (is that the right term?) to select the next badge is partially hidden by the category tabs. Currently on Windows 10 using Chrome v. ...
Frostfyre's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

What's wrong with printing in Worldbuilding

It seems that there is something wrong with Worldbuilding's CSS styles for print media or other configurations that prevents pages to be printed (either on a paper or to a PDF) correctly. When ...
trejder's user avatar
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13 votes
9 answers

Worldbuilding's updated site theme is live for everyone!

UPDATE - We've pushed this live for everyone now. Thanks to those who took the time to give feedback. Please do know, being live doesn't mean we can't address further changes for you! Write an answer ...
Catija's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

What is the worldbuilding background picture from?

Is it from a book or a movie or game?
GaneGoe's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

What's in the newsletter, exactly?

The newsletter ad has some problems; you can't read what it's about: unless you select the text: Only Worldbuilding seems to have this problem; I checked a couple of other sites (e.g. Puzzling) ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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84 votes
1 answer

Save The Robot!

linked: What will we lose with the redesign? As said in this answer to site-changes, there is a possibility that we may lose these figures and the contruction-edge at the bottom of the page. ...
Ajnatorix Zersolar's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Does someone have the source image of this site?

Where can I find the source image of WorldBuilding.SE? I mean this desert world, with the robot and the girl. If someone can help, it would be awesome.
Iron Spider's user avatar
17 votes
1 answer

What will we lose with the redesign?

Inspired by the discussion Exactly which features of SFF.SE's magnificent theme will we be losing? I want to ask which features WorldBuilding.SE will lose specifically. The reason I ask basically the ...
Secespitus's user avatar
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2 votes
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Load of grey in site design

When reading a question, I noticed an amount of grey on the page. At first I thought it was my monitor playing up but it moved as I scrolled. Should the colour change be present? (dotted lines ...
muddyfish's user avatar
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15 votes
1 answer

Is the background image of this site some kind of easter-egg/meta-joke?

I didn't give too much attention to the page design when I first start to follow WB, and now that I notice it, it just got stuck in my mind. Is the background image used in WB based to an specific ...
Alex Sifuentes's user avatar
7 votes
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Strange bug with the background art while writing a question

This is weird. While posting a question of mine today, I noticed the background "flickering" as I repeatedly typed and removed a space from the markdown for a bullet point. Without the space after ...
ApproachingDarknessFish's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Top tabs are not visible in worldbuilding stackexchange site

Top tab fonts are not visible in my google chrome (version Version 51.0.2704.103), Please find the screen shot : Edit 1 : Yes , still its the same way . I have inspected fonts : OS : Windows 7 ...
utility's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

May (and should) we use the site design on our blog?

We have a blog. Its front page looks like this: That area roughly enclosed by a hand-drawn red circle is space that we can fill with a graphic. It actually goes wider than this screen shot; Medium ...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Large Hot Network Questions icon is the old one

The "icon-48.png" that's used on the full Hot Network Questions page still has the old design. I tried clearing my cache. I am on latest chrome, 50.0.2661.102 m.
Pyritie's user avatar
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Site design - icon on Achievements list

The icon on the Achievements list, scaled down from the standard logo, looks like a piece of fruit, not the intended planet. The screenshot is enlarged when I view the image in a message, so go get ...
JDługosz's user avatar
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9 votes
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Visited questions on main are indistinguishable from unvisited ones

Quick, tell me which of these questions I've clicked on: That screen shot was taken in Safari, a browser in which I have done zero customization. (I keep it around just for tests like this.) I see ...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
2 votes
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It's a small world after all?

In the attached picture, the new icon looks small. In order for the ring to show up in the icon, the sphere gets shorter. While the ring is part of the large banner, I think the icon would fit in ...
T.J.L.'s user avatar
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Making small icon clearer

It's not really a bug but the ring on the small icon (for example next to a Hot Network Question) is very hard to see. I think it might be worth having a bit of a black border around the ring or ...
Tim B's user avatar
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Opening a direct link with an anchor breaks the layout

I just klicked on a notification of a comment in my inbox. I therefore found that loading a comment via direct link (like this) breaks the site and the content is moved so that the comment appears in ...
T3 H40's user avatar
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Text in newsletter ad is hard to read

I'm borrowing this screen shot from another post: I'm finding the black text on the dark-green background to be really hard to read. Can we improve the legibility? If the text were the same color ...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

The robot is sometimes overlapped by the edge of land

On very short pages, such as search and maybe others, the robot is overlapped by the edge of landmass, which looks strange. (Firefox 46)
user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Design bug: scrollbar to the right

I have two one issues with the otherwise awesome new site design: I get a horizontal scrollbar despite a large enough window size. The same scrollbar and background image artifact is also ...
ojdo's user avatar
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1 answer

Weekly newsletter box is too small

Because a screenshot says more than a thousand words: Iceweasel (Firefox) 38.2.1, Debian GNU/Linux (wheezy) (Wow, that looks like a pencil to the right in the screenshot...)
user's user avatar
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99 votes
4 answers

Site Design Launched!

Congratulations! As you can see, the new site design just went live. Thanks to everyone for your patience. Also updated are the newsletter template and chat room based off of the new design. If you ...
Kurtis Beavers's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

can we make a skin or theme for the site?

sorry newbie here, probably stupid question but I couldn't find an answer searching the site I see other stack communities have a themed page and a logo, while we have the default one. Can we also ...
SilverCookies's user avatar
18 votes
1 answer

Any news on the progress of the new site design?

The latest information we've had on the site design was about a month ago. Does anyone have any information as to what progress is being made as well as when we could expect to see the site design in ...
fi12's user avatar
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51 votes
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Worldbuilding Site Design Updates: March 15

Thank you for all of your feedback and patience while we made design updates. Below are a list of updates and planned updates. Logo Based on the community's discussion, we've made some adjustments ...
Kurtis Beavers's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

When is the new site design being launched?

The new Worldbuilding site design (which looks awesome) was being discussed and demonstrated here. Does anyone have any official (or accurate) information as to how long we have to wait before the new ...
fi12's user avatar
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104 votes
11 answers

Worldbuilding Site Design

I'm Kurtis, a product designer at Stack Exchange. First off, congratulations on your recent site graduation! Graduation and Your Site Design Graduation comes with a few perks. We have already begun ...
Kurtis Beavers's user avatar
35 votes
15 answers

Brainstorming Worldbuilding Site Design

I'm Kurtis, and I'll be working on the new design for the graduated Worldbuilding site. As most of you are aware, each site within the Stack Exchange network gets its own unique theme while ...
Kurtis Beavers's user avatar
3 votes
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Design bug in flag dialog

Finally, a bug that seems reproducible. When opening the flag dialog in Chrome for iOS (iPad, not iPhone - iOS version 8.3 - Chrome 43.0.2357.56, 32-bit), the "moderator intervention" reason text box ...
ArtOfCode's user avatar
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