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Questions tagged [community-wiki]

For questions about posts that are open to, and owned by, the community as opposed to any one user.

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2 answers

What do you think about a fake bounty? (this isn't exactly click-bait...)

I would like to draw attention to one and, eventually, more questions that I've posted that have community wiki answers. The Bounty system isn't really designed for that, but it's the most obvious way ...
JBH's user avatar
  • 132k
12 votes
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Call for action: realistic map wiki

I have noticed that quite often we get questions along the line of "I am creating my world, I have come up with a map, does it make sense?" You can find a list here These questions do rarely ...
L.Dutch's user avatar
  • 301k
7 votes
3 answers

Is it okay to edit?

So, a while back I posted this proposal for editing rules. @AlexP quickly responded in the extreme negative, calling it "a Vandal's Manifesto". According to him, the license placed on ...
In Hoc Signo's user avatar
  • 11.8k
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1 answer

How do I un-wiki an answer?

Alright, I'll admit I stuffed up. I put up an answer to this question and through some kind of finger-fail, it got listed as a community wiki and I don't know how to undo that. Is there a way to undo ...
Tim B   II's user avatar
  • 54.2k
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2 answers

How to create a comprehensive-question/comprehensive-answer pair?

Recently Molot and I had a brief exchange in comments to this question: Worldwide climate I felt he was technically correct that the question was a duplicate of these questions: Are single-biomed ...
JBH's user avatar
  • 132k
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1 answer

Using the Community Wiki

Recently in chat the topic of community wiki questions came up, and turned into a discussion of taking select topics that we get a lot of broad questions to and providing resources so that users can ...
AndyD273's user avatar
  • 34.9k
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How to get users to interact with a community wiki?

Is there any way to get users to interact with a community wiki for a question that needs a longer/more detailed list of unique ideas/answers? I know that it's kind of hard because interacting with a ...
FoxElemental's user avatar
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2 answers

Ethics of answering your own question, even when you didn't think you would?

I've seen some posts where people answer their own questions, either because they've come up with a better answer or because they want to combine parts of all other answers to come up with one ...
FoxElemental's user avatar
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7 answers

Story-Go-Round Background & Info

As some of you have already noticed, over the last days a collaborative storytelling effort has been started here on WorldBuildingSE. This question is meant as a means to keep everything surrounding ...
dot_Sp0T's user avatar
  • 12.1k
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Getting the most out of Community-Wiki Answers

So, a couple of times I have used Community Wikis for answers that didn't directly answer the question, but provided a good starting point for making a good answer. But it seems that no one actually ...
Tezra's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Common and More in Depth Resources for World Building

What are common and more in depth resources for world building? SE is a great place to get questions answered but there are other sites and books that allow for a more in depth and broad look at ...
Durakken's user avatar
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Should we have a "How to write the perfect answer?" discussion?

Sometimes, popular questions draw a large number of answers, and end up with answers that should be comments, or largely similar answers (some users prefer to write their own answers, even if they are ...
BabiBaba's user avatar
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2 answers

Should I make and accept a "community wiki" answer to my own question?

In my most recent question, Realistic economic impact of a Hero, I've gotten a lot of pretty good answers but none of them have really hit it out of the ballpark. I could just accept one of the ...
Rob Watts's user avatar
  • 20k
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1 answer

Question on the community wikis

In one of my question, I decided to post an answer as a community wiki The reason as stated in the answer: I decided to make a community wiki because all the answers have good points but none ...
Vincent's user avatar
  • 16.9k
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2 answers

Kardashev Scale of Magic Wiki

This is going to be a difficult one, particularly given the wildy varying flavors and rules of magic out there. Nonetheless, I think it would be interesting to build a community wiki attempting to put ...
user3652621's user avatar
  • 60.3k
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Civilization Technological Rank Wiki Question

We often get questions about whether (my civilization) can do this or that. While they are fun to answer, there is the tedious and seemingly inevitable bit about asking the OP about the desired ...
user3652621's user avatar
  • 60.3k
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1 answer

Can I turn my "Matrioshka AI" question into a community wiki?

There seem to be literally dozens of comments on my Matrioshka Testing Question, so I was wondering if a community wiki format might not be more appropriate. If people here agree, how would I go about ...
user3652621's user avatar
  • 60.3k