Questions tagged [answers]

This tag is for questions about answers: how to answer, whether specific answers are appropriate, and so forth.

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26 votes
4 answers

Should our default position be that answers should be science-/logic-based, rather than magic-based?

We are seeing some questions which receive answers that deal with magic. There isn't anything wrong in building worlds where magic exists, but there are two main issues that I can see: Magic systems ...
user's user avatar
  • 29k
15 votes
4 answers

When is "that's not possible" an appropriate answer?

Every once in a while, we do get questions where "that's not possible" is a valid answer to the question as asked (with perhaps further clarification in comments). Sometimes the question gives ...
user's user avatar
  • 29k
12 votes
2 answers

Are answers solely referencing novels/movies/etc. okay?

In my time on Worldbuilding, I've seen loads of answers along the lines of I remember reading a book with a similar scenario: [Insert book name here] by [Insert author name here]. In it, [long plot ...
HDE 226868's user avatar
  • 101k
33 votes
5 answers

Real Life cannot be an overriding limitation on any question unless specifically requested

I have finally found the perfect question to kick-start this discussion concerning what I believe is a growing undesirable behavior on Worldbuilding How can the Sea of Japan be drained? The OP wasn'...
JBH's user avatar
  • 122k
20 votes
4 answers

Accepted answer is a mix of given answers

I am new on this site, I asked this question about the logistics of corpse disposal for inspiration on a short story I'm working on. After reading the answers I decided on my own version which ...
Hugo's user avatar
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13 votes
0 answers

Sandbox for Proposed Answers

What is the Sandbox? This "Sandbox" is a place where Worldbuilding.SE users can get feedback on prospective answers they are writing. This is useful because writing a clear and fully ...
ArtOfCode's user avatar
  • 10.4k
7 votes
4 answers

Challenging Questions' Premises

This is something I've seen cropping up quite a bit lately, and has made me pause and think. Sometimes questions are based on faulty or questionable premises, one such question would be this one, ...
Xandar The Zenon's user avatar
44 votes
8 answers

Why is Worldbuilding Stack Exchange so good at answering questions?

This is written with my metaphorical mod hat fully off and hanging on the wall next to my real hats. I moderate two other Stack Exchange sites, History of Science and Mathematics and Mythology. They'...
HDE 226868's user avatar
  • 101k
18 votes
9 answers

Should we delete answers that don't meet the requirements of the hard-science tag?

Around the beginning of August, Stack Exchange created a custom post notice for Worldbuilding. Basically, moderators manually add the notice to all questions tagged hard-science, and then may add it ...
HDE 226868's user avatar
  • 101k
13 votes
5 answers

Answers that contradict Questions: how to respond?

Related: Should workarounds be suggested when the question implies an impossibilty? That question is about questions that are (roughly) of the form, "In a world with feature X, how could phenomenon Y ...
KSmarts's user avatar
  • 2,057
10 votes
8 answers

'It won't work' - challenging the frame of a question

I think it is time to have a discussion about the amount of challenging the frame of the question that we have on this site; a follow up to Possible new 'non-reality-check' tag? So what is ...
Mourdos's user avatar
  • 2,896
6 votes
7 answers

Is it Fair to Encourage People to NOT Answer Questions that Need to be Closed?

Introduction: WB.SE has a SE mandated format; the community has determined that certain rules need to apply to the asking and answering of questions; the community has in place certain policies & ...
elemtilas's user avatar
  • 40k
11 votes
3 answers

Do we still want the Answer Sandbox?

The Answer Sandbox was created late December 2014 (see the post about creating it for detail). Since then, it has generated: 3 votes (+3/-0) 1 favorite 2 comments 0 posts. In other words, it's not ...
ArtOfCode's user avatar
  • 10.4k
11 votes
2 answers

The issue with multiple answers

This is usually a sporadic issue, but today I found a question that really made me do something about it: World with a different sun every day, and random days with no sun The question per se is ...
xDaizu's user avatar
  • 643
11 votes
3 answers

According to reality check, possibility implies existence

Before I go on with this post, the assertion in the title is actually logically sound and consistent, which I find beautiful. Now, more seriously, this is something I have noticed in most reality-...
PatJ's user avatar
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10 votes
0 answers

Please Don't answer and/or upvote ā€œbadā€ questions (yet)

Exhibit 1 12th vs 21st century archers in a battle to death, who would survive? This is blatently off topic and anyone with some experience here would recognise that WB is not for random fiction what-...
JDługosz's user avatar
  • 69.4k
9 votes
3 answers

Are incorrect answers deleted too fast?

I am not actually 100% sure how the whole process is made. But an answer appear in the Low Quality Posts queue, and the reviewer can choose between Looks OK Edit Recommend Deletion I'm not sure how ...
clem steredenn's user avatar
15 votes
5 answers

Is a single rude remark inside an otherwise good answer grounds for deleting the whole answer?

I recently stumbled across this deleted answer (10k+ users only). It seems like a good enough answer to the question it was posted on, with a fair amount of detail, but was deleted by a moderator as ...
F1Krazy's user avatar
  • 14.2k
10 votes
3 answers

Should workarounds be suggested when the question implies an impossibilty?

The title is awful but I couldn't come up with a better one, feel free to edit What I'm wondering about is this: when presented with question such as this, this or this, where the answer is most ...
mechalynx's user avatar
  • 5,823
9 votes
3 answers

How best to suggest a comment be made into an answer?

This is a trend I've noticed more in 2017 than before, which is people posting information or points that could be answers to a question in the comments section. While this isn't a bad behaviour (...
Joe Bloggs's user avatar
  • 66.3k
8 votes
7 answers

Are answers posted in comments acceptable or not?

It happens every now and then that someone posts what is actually an answer as a comment to the question. That is, something that actually addresses the question being asked, perhaps succintly, but in ...
user's user avatar
  • 29k
8 votes
3 answers

Should we use the sandbox for answers, too?

So, the sandbox is now up, and there's a decent amount of activity. I like what I'm seeing: good dialogue between users on the posted questions. I'm suggesting that we use the sandbox for answers, ...
HDE 226868's user avatar
  • 101k
6 votes
5 answers

Posting two answers in a question

Based on this question I posted my answer as two separate answers because both of them solve the question differently. However, in my not-so-kind mood, if I were not the poster, I would frown upon ...
Vylix's user avatar
  • 10.9k
3 votes
1 answer

Picking the sole answer as the best answer

In case there is one-and-only answer available, considering: Sufficiently good answer, addressed most of the question, wouldn't it be unfair to select it as the best answer right away? Wouldn't it be ...
Hendrik Lie's user avatar
  • 2,000
3 votes
0 answers

Should we have a "How to write the perfect answer?" discussion?

Sometimes, popular questions draw a large number of answers, and end up with answers that should be comments, or largely similar answers (some users prefer to write their own answers, even if they are ...
Babika Babaka's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Does my answer fit the hard-science tag?

I'm currently having a dispute with JDługosz whether my answer to a question tagged hard-science actually meets the hard-science tag requirements. I'd be interested in what others here think about it....
celtschk's user avatar
  • 31.4k
2 votes
3 answers

How should we handle possibly legally/morally sensitive topics?

This question was triggered by this one : Appstore application to assassinate anyone. I have a lot of troubles dealing with it. Quoting it, the core of the question is something akin to that (Know you ...
Tortliena - inactive's user avatar
2 votes
5 answers

Is there a better way to list "recommended reading" for answers?

For a lot of questions, there are frequently existing books/stories/movies/games that explore the theme that the question asks. A question on AI souls trapped in VR hells recently led me to mention ...
SRM's user avatar
  • 25.4k
2 votes
2 answers

How to handle answers that no longer reflect the edited question

I'm curious: how are we supposed to handle questions that have been changed such that older answers no longer reflect the questions being asked? In the context and spirit of this meta question what ...
KareemElashmawy's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is it permissible to cherry-pick someone else's answer for the same question?

Concerning Are 'tree waterfalls' possible? Some time after answering the question myself, I found LazyReader's answer had been deleted. However, I felt the answer had intrinsic merit, so I ...
JBH's user avatar
  • 122k
1 vote
1 answer

Disputing a Policy: Question Edits Cannot Invalidate Answers

Worldbuilding is the only Stack I am aware of that discourages improving a question if it invalidates answers. I could be wrong about that, but what it does is suggest that answers are more important ...
JBH's user avatar
  • 122k
1 vote
2 answers

Found a potential answer to my own question, but didn't get feedback on it. How do I fix that?

A few days after I posted this question, I hitting upon this potential answer to it and posted it to get feedback on it, but the only response to it was strictly to tell me how to use superscripts (I ...
MarqFJA87's user avatar
  • 831
-1 votes
3 answers

The Completionist's Dilemma

For those of us who are completionists (individuals who are driven to complete whatever they start, whatever that may entail), the badges can be a bit of a nuisance. I asked previously if it would be ...
Frostfyre's user avatar
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