Linked Questions

33 votes
5 answers

Real Life cannot be an overriding limitation on any question unless specifically requested

I have finally found the perfect question to kick-start this discussion concerning what I believe is a growing undesirable behavior on Worldbuilding How can the Sea of Japan be drained? The OP wasn'...
JBH's user avatar
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2 votes
5 answers

Considered harmful: questions where the asker expects us to figure out a scientific explanation or alternative for their handwavium

Latest offender: Need counters for a near perfect Anti Thermal and Kinetic armor system in a near future setting Another example: Could alien organisms evolve to utilize Thermoelectric cooling(the ...
Ian Kemp's user avatar
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6 answers

Should we warn about (presumably unintended) parallels with racist tropes?

Somebody asked a question asking about a fictional humanoid race. To my eyes, the premise of this fictional race has strong parallels with a real-world early 20th century racist stereotype of African-...
kaya3's user avatar
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4 answers

Died of a Theory: A Challenge for Too Story Based and Fishing for Ideas Questions

I wanted to test a theory. I wanted to see what would happen if a question that asked for a narrow list of ideas would react on the site now that a week or two of my previous meta post asking how to ...
JBH's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Should we remove the [tag:alternate-history] tag?

I read this question about technological advancement in an alternate history. It was closed as too broad, and rightly so. It was too broad. Thanks to @MichaelKjörling for getting an accurate count ...
JBH's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

How am I supposed to get people to use "facts and citations" for a question about a completely fictional environment?

Relating to This question, how can I ask contributors to include "facts and citations" in a question about a completely fictional world? It's science fiction, so all facts are relative to ...
Aaargh Zombies's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Case Study: The Consequence of Inadequate Comments

UPDATE: Amber's original question has been undeleted and the new question closed as a duplicate. It looks like that new question has since been deleted (honestly, it didn't need to be this complicated....
JBH's user avatar
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4 answers

Are frame challenges in comments disallowed, and if so by what policy, and can this be more clearly communicated to users?

(I am setting this up as a separate question to focus on this issue alone, without being mixed with other stuff.) It has recently come to my attention that at least some moderators consider frame ...
causative's user avatar
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3 answers

What level of detail should questions have?

Before anybody can effectively solve a problem; they need to know what the problem is. That is true in real life, and that is true in Stack Exchange. As a result, there are rules that questions should ...
Rhymehouse's user avatar
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Is an edit to the three Science tag wikis warranted?

A recent question posited a fantastic condition then used the science-based tag. In essense, the author wanted a science-based solution to a problem that wasn't science-based in the first place. We've ...
JBH's user avatar
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