This question has been closed with the reason: "This question needs details or clarity"
I had already replied in the comments some clarifications. It is not clear to me though what further clarification or detail I should provide.
Should I simply edit the question adding the detail asked by @zackit? I had already bolded the question to make it stand out before it was closed.
How can I understand what else is needed?
Here @halfthawed provides an explanation for this reason to close:
Needs details or clarity.
Your question isn't clear because of the words itself in it. As it's written, we have no clue what you're asking. Possibly because your question makes perfect grammatical sense but is nonsensical from a physics standpoint or contains multiple contradiction to the point where the question isn't possible to give an answer to. Or maybe just because we can't make it through your terrible grammar, I've seen both.
I don't see that problem in my question but maybe I'm biased? I have already bolded the question that is asking if the system would work. Also specified the reality-check tag that asks for a yes / no answer. Would really help to have those who vote to close with the reason of adding detail or clarity to specify on what more detail is needed.
I also read this thread. Am willing to edit my question but need some pointers about it.