I thought this was a venue where people could share ideas, help people with questions, and generally contribute.
Yes. Yes, it is. There are site rules (coming from Stack Exchange) and forum rules that guide how the sharing of ideas happens. There are also general standards of online & interpersonal behavior that the community expects of its participants, whether those standards are written or not.
Unfortunately, I find that this is not a friendly playground. NO, the traditional playground bully is out and active.
Congratulations, L.Dutch. You have managed to bully me away. Enjoy your victory, though god knows why you feel such confrontation is necessary.
Sorry. again, the gods do not approve of my answers. Apologies.
Well, you brought your own unfriendliness with you. These are fine examples of community standards that we can reasonably expect you to adhere to, regardless of where you go online. You are behaving like a passive-aggressive & self-centered 10 year old. Your behavior is petulant, overly dramatic, and needlessly pointless.
Kudos if you actually are 10 years old, because then you're only behaving your age! Otherwise, we really don't need this kind of aggressive behavior from you. If you can't behave in Main in a reasonably adult manner and if you can't address your concerns here in Meta without resorting to a temper tantrum, then please, by all means go somewhere else.
I'd invite you to go away, but it looks like you're already gone, so thank you at the least for improving the quality of our user base with your absence!