This, like most things, is a two part problem at least in my opinion.
1) The person posting the question should be clear. They should meet all the requirements from the how to ask page. Namely this bit:
General guidelines for all questions:
- Must be specific and answerable: What problem are you trying to solve?
- Must include context: What are you trying to accomplish? Context gives people writing answers an idea of what your end state will look like and why you want to get there.
- Must include restrictions/requirements: What will make one answer better than another? If any answer is equally effective your question is not properly constrained. How can this be executed? What tech, timeline, magic or other criteria apply to the situation.
- Should include research: What ideas have you considered, or what information have you already looked at or failed to find?
If you haven't met all these bullet points odds are you are forcing users writing answers to assume/fill in the blanks for you.
2) Those answering have a responsibility as well.
I see this problem pretty regularly. Many posted questions fail to meet the requirements listed above. Instead of asking for clarification in the comments people will rush to answer the question. It is one of the necessary drawbacks of the reputation system. The sooner you get an answer in the more likely you are to get votes and rep.
This is a problem though. If we rush to answer and don't try to help the querent first we aren't doing anyone any good. If the question is unclear and we answer we aren't really helping the person that was looking to get an answer.
The short version is both questioner and those answering need to take it upon themselves to make questions better before answers are posted.
The responsibility isn't on one or the other. It's both.
- Use comments to help people posting questions
- Do what's best for the site. In the end this will get you more rep, and definitely more respect than rushing to get imaginary internet points
- Take the time to write good questions that meet the requirements on the how to ask page.
- If necessary flag questions to put them on-hold. Explain, especially to new users, what that means.