So I have been rolling a question...or a series of questions around in my head for a couple weeks. I am working on developing cultures in my world and religion will be a part of it. So I want to ask what will need to be a series of questions on the topic and here are some that I currently have in mind that need answering. Just wanted to see how you all felt about them before I get too crazy.
What components make up a religion, this is mainly asking, "When designing a religion what things do all religions have?" Done
What has made some religions historically competitive? (Feels too broad not sure how to narrow it)
How do religions preach tolerance and good then engage in war against heathens?
Does a religion need a 'prophet' mainly meaning the role that say Jesus or Mohammed played in the evolution of Islam and Christianity.
Is it realistic that a world has a single religion (perhaps some fringe elements are other)?
There are some more but they build on these.