As Michael pointed out this is very close to the previous Meta discussion about How to deal with “I have a High Concept, please do my work for me” questions? The OP has this cool idea, but they haven't really thought about the reasoning/implications and now they want us to come up with the reasoning/implications. While the older Meta discussion was about the implications of "I introduce [stuff] - what happens?" this specific question asks for "I want [stuff] - give me ideas?"
The most problematic part in my opinion is:
Since I am horrible at coming up with ideas
Those are basically trigger words to scream "primarily opinion-based" because the OP clearly wants us to give them a handful of ideas so they can choose the coolest one.
But reading through the question carefully we can see that the OP also has a few criteria for what the should or shouldn't happen. This makes me feel like this question could be salvaged. Maybe.
In its current form I would go with advice similar to what Michael mentioned in his answer to the High Concept discussion: VTC as "Primarily opinion-based", try to edit a bit and then point out the problems that you see. In my opinion this case is already covered by the "Primarily opinion-based" close reason, or maybe the "Too Broad" reason - it depends on the specific case.
All things considered, I would say that we don't need a new VTC reason for "We don't do your work for you" - that's already included in "Too Broad" ("Writing a whole book for you is too much") and "Primarily Opinion-Based" ("We don't give you a couple dozen ideas so you can choose which one you think sounds cool").
For completeness sake my usual (rough) take on the close reasons is as follows:
- "Too Broad" - "Writing a whole book for you is too much. I know what you want and I think it's theoretically on-topic from a content perspective (I can see that you are currently building your own fictional world), but it would take far too long to talk about all the details that are necessary to sufficiently answer your question. I need some more details so that I know what you want to focus on first - you can ask more questions later where you incorporate the details from previous questions. As the help center states: If you can imagine an entire book that answers your question, you’re asking too much."
- "Primarily Opinion-Based" - "A question is "primarily opinion-based" if every reasonable answer would be equally valid. Giving you a bunch of ideas for you to choose the one that sounds coolest is not how this site works. I know what you want and theoretically this would be on-topic from a content perspective, but we need some criteria to vote which answers are valid, which answers are good and which ones are better. It's a big, blurry region, but personally I feel that these criteria are not yet clear."
- "Unclear what you are asking" - "I have no idea what this is supposed to say. Either there is a big language barrier, the querent has misunderstood quite a few things about the topic he is asking about, there is no question or there are so many things missing from the description of the world that it feels to me like a random excerpt where too much is missing to make any meaningful attempts at answering the question. I don't know the situation, I don't know the goal - I just don't know how to help the querent yet."
- "Off-Topic" - "This is not about WorldBuilding (as defined in our help center). You are for example asking about help with your story, about character actions, or about something completely different, like misunderstanding that there are multiple sites on the network and accidentally posting a question about programming languages on WorldBuilding, ... We can't help you here, you need to go to a different site on the network or for example to a forum to find the answer you are looking for."
These statements serve as rough guidelines for me when judging whether a question should be temporarily put on hold or not and in which direction the OP should edit his question.