Ok, throwing this out in Meta because I am noting a shift in...attitude? on the primary site.
To begin. When I joined Worldbuilding, I found all manner of interesting puzzles and fun things to try to solve. Imagination and Logic in one big happy ball of goop, as it were. I tend to gravitate toward certain types of questions, and there was never a short supply.
Lately, it seems to me, that many of the new questions that are coming up are being put on hold very, very fast. Many that are not being put on hold are gathering a lot of downvotes.
I can see new users getting put on hold as they work their way through the question writing process. (I still say that "on Hold" needs to be more specific as to the purpose so new users will expect it) I also know that downvotes are a non-specific anonymous rating of the quality of a question. Rep doesn't get heavily damaged by a downvote but it does sting.
The whole reason I bring this up is that Worldbuilding isn't quite the welcoming place it was a year ago. On the surface, it may not be a horrible thing. We want better questions, better answers, and so on.
There is a hidden downside though. Slap a new user down as hard as seems to be happening, they are less likely to return. Less users means fewer questions and less diversity of topic. It does us no good, as a Community, to treat n00bs poorly. Yeah, we will have to deal with some poor quality questions. But for every one that is truly dreadful, we close 2 that have the core of a good question, it just isn't brought out very well.
Are we really getting flooded with that many very poor quality questions? Am I missing the fun stuff in the pile goo? Is anyone else noticing this? (Semi Rhetorical questions for background)
I fully admit I am speaking based on an impression based on observation, not on something based on amassing a large quantity of hard data. I noticed this trend after taking a short hiatus and seem to have returned to a place with a much less friendly vibe.
What are your thoughts, and what can we do, if anything?