Why does the reputation system exist? Seriously, just why? I mean, there's the somewhat necessary thing about you can't do this until x amount of rep for the servers/software sake which I can understand, but all it's doing for me, at least, is causing unnecessary stress and anger to sprout.
I mean I was one rep point away from being able to comment everywhere (50 rep points) and now, because of a closed question and some downvotes, I'm back down to 39. As far as I know the only way to get more rep points is to post answers and complete badge quotas.
And some of the bronze badges have you post x amount of questions over x amount of days, but the way the system is setup is making me think this is a resource gathering idle game website not a website to further our knowledge.
If I'm thinking this is a resource idle game and I have to post stuff per day I will, and did for my Ledrine question, turn off my brain and post to farm rep.
Why can't rep just serve as an indicator as to who has the most well thought out questions/answers instead of this resource gaming thing that I'm currently experiencing. Or maybe my autism is just irked at this website and all of its incarnations.
Or alternatively, like my resource gathering gaming instincts are telling me, have us spend rep to comment, answer, and question with a daily refill feature that should be much easier (atleast for those stress prone like me) to handle than the current system.