Though only being around for a short while, I noticed that sometimes people edit the question they asked, even after one or several answers have been given. In some cases, follow-up questions that are important to answer the question correctly have been asked in the comments, and I understand that in those cases it is a good thing to clarify the original question so people can give valid answers (and I have done so too).
However, it feels like a thin line. It is possible that with the new information, some answers are no longer valid. I wonder where the line is drawn. Is it, in such a case, the one who wrote an answer 'at fault' because he/she (for example) made too many assumptions, and should have asked for clarification? Or is it perfectly fine that some answers are not really valid for a(n) (edited) question and the author is right to do so? And does it matter how much the meaning of the original question is changed?
I was wondering what is considered good practice, to take into account when or when not to edit my questions.
Related: On editing questions and invalidating answers (especially first part of the answer)