I recently returned to my computer after a prolonged absence to note a message from the author of this question in response to my comment. While I was there, I noticed the question has been put on hold and had a second answer from the last time I visited. I was going to leave a comment asking the user to not answer questions that were about to be closed for a very clear off-topic reason, when I noticed the answer was posted 1 hour and 52 minutes 18 minutes after the question was put on hold.
Put on Hold: 2017-09-01 18:58:19Z 20:31:46Z
Answer Post: 2017-09-01 20:50:13Z
Is this a bug? What order of operations would make this possible?
Edit: The original version utilized the time at which the question was asked, not the time it was closed. I suspect this is simply a case of the user being in the process of answering the question when it was put on hold, but would like clarification, if possible.