Disclaimer: This is not a tag edit proposal.
I've been wondering for some time if there was a common denominator in reality check answering. I've already asked a question about the type of answers here and it comforted me into that idea.
Then, I foolishly decided to ask "please can I have a generic physics and chemistry reality-check". Hoping to get science to be easy, I instead met the fierce and unstoppable community closing that was due. As of right now I leave this question undeleted for discussion purposes.
If my childish attempt to solve science was met with the swift justice it deserved, it also met a good stream of comment (showing I should have maybe raised the subject in chat or meta first, I'm still learning).
Notably, Michael Kjörling said:
I think the basic idea here has merit, but as it stands, this is biting off a bit too much. Compare for example Can you simply scale up animals? which IMO is an excellent reference to the problems of taking an animal and simply making it larger. I'm voting to close this as too broad, but I would definitely be open to considering even upvoting more focused questions, such as perhaps "what do I need to keep in mind when changing or deciding on a planet's gravity?" or maybe even "can you change an arbitrary physics constant or formula?".
Then later:
Oh, I'm not against the idea of having a canonical question to summarize the important points, and I think the question on scaling up animals is an excellent example of just that which has been very well received. Just keep it to one thing per question. If multiple of these questions are relevant to a specific question, we can always link to more than one of these canonical questions.
Which brings me to this: I'd like to create a list of different things people may want a reality check on. The list should be long enough to have all topics covered with elements as generic as WB allows. Having those questions (and a Meta post indexing them) would be quite a helpful resource in answering reality-check questions.
Does that look like a good idea to you? Is there something I overlooked?