Being a web developer just starting out with this awesome stack exchange site I wanted to ask if there is a way/feature to organize multiple questions regarding the same "parent topic".
To keep things easy I would like to introduce you to a project concept I work on in my spare time:
I'm planning to create a browser game and would like to make use of the creative minds wobbling around this place. As this will get rather complex because of multiple topics that need to be cleared (economic systems, cultural differences between races, planet/solar system related stuff etc. etc.) I would like to know if it is possible to somehow group up questions. This would not only make it easier for me to organize my work but also (in my opinion) would make more fun for people answering as they see the project in its whole evolve.
If this is possible or could be implemented I would love to share everything I have so far to make the non-programming related part of this project fully community inspired.
I'm not talking about Tags or something like that but more like a full blown feature to (e.g.) have an overview of all questions in a specific group/project and things like that.
Linking questions to maintain context is not what I'm talking about either.
What I would find logically and visually appealing would be some back end feature in a users profile showing his "projects" where the user can add questions to. If this could be visible to everyone going to the users profile there would be a wonderful overview of what is still open do finish a project. Simply linking questions is not enough IMO.