The Community user, which neither slumbers nor sleeps, alerts moderators to questions that are attracting lots of answers. Sometimes this is just fine, even healthy, of course. Other times it can mean that the question could use some tightening-up because it's attracting answers that are all over the board (making different assumptions, etc). And sometimes it means that purveyors of low-quality posts (like spammers) have chosen to congregate there and we need to protect the question and clean up some answers.
Moderators receive this notice, but in most cases the quality judgements that are required should be made by the community, not by us. We have an accumulation of such flags right now.
We currently have 17 294 questions with 10+ answers. Please consider picking something off that list to review. Read the question, read the answers, and take appropriate action:
- Should something be edited? Please do it.
- Is a question unclear, too broad, off-topic, etc? Vote (or flag) to close. (Don't use custom flags; close flags will send the question to the review queue but custom flags go only to mods.)
- Is an answer not up to snuff -- a one-liner or naked link, an incomplete thought, not clearly an answer to the question that was asked, etc? Comment asking for improvements, and if appropriate, also flag.
- Not sure, or something you can't handle on your own? Bring it up in chat (for informal discussion) or on meta (to reach more people). We have specific-question and specific-answer tags for this reason.
A previous version of this question asked for feedback in answers here. That made more sense when there were only 17 such questions. I'm making this edit and closing this question, preserving the commentary already collected here.