Oppose to splitting this question in small chunks
Reason is OP is just asking about description of viable model, and states parameters of the model he is interested for. A model can be described by millions of parameters, but he asks just for some subset of those parameters and he lists them in form of questions.
Answering that question demands just take real world example and describe them https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_asteroid - he do need theory. It is clearly seen on langrange points part of that question.
Splitting the question in small chunks increases work needed and makes it harder and less likely to get some solid answer - because it will lead to produce multiple models by multiple people with different preferences and make that work each time for tiny bit of information.
What I do not like in that question is hard-science tag, but it is my opinion and reason why I will not answer that question. Science-based is enough in that situation, OP obviously do not need HS, he just need some numbers which is directly asked by him, and it looks like because he wish some numbers HS is choosen.