Questions about specific plotting are off-topic on Writers as "what should I write?" questions. Here's the distinction from the meta overview:
Generating Plot Ideas:
Asking to brainstorm ideas tailor-made for your particular story is off-topic; that’s too specific to your own work. But identifying a general scenario which naturally presents plotting difficulties is on-topic.
Source: Is a "Help me generate plot ideas?" or similar question on topic?
As noted, questions about general scenarios are on-topic there, but mustn't be too broad. "What kind of world would enable such-and-such future technology?" won't fly. "What are some realistic ways to handle a ransom drop?" might1 -- or, a little closer to WB home, "what are some realistic ways to put my commercial spaceships in the line of pirate attacks?".
But even where the scope seems to overlap, the focus on Writers is writing, while the focus on WorldBuilding is building the setting. Anecdotally, questions on Writers that stray too far into plot- or character-development, even if technically on-topic, will have more trouble there.
1 The question that this post was about was ultimately closed and deleted (in 2012). Here is its text, for reference:
How can my kidnapper get away with the money? [closed]
In my story I have a guy who kidnaps kids and hold them ransom. After the police pay the ransom, he makes off with the money and kills the kid. What's a plausible way my guy can get the money and not get caught?