I'm going to have to play devil's advocate here... Just to add another perspective.
I think we should be cautious about censorship. Yes there are some younger users, and yes we should lean towards respectful discourse, but we should weigh the context and intent of a post rather than being overly concerned about particular words.
We all know that you can be incredibly rude using the the "nicest" of words, and be completely benign using the "crudest." Intent should matter more than the words used.
I'm certainly against "slut shaming" I think it typically demonstrates an unbalanced, dated world view, and that people should get past such things, but honestly I feel the same way about censorship.
What's worse is that censorship often replaces what could have been discourse about why some people find some words offensive. Rather than saying "hey that word offends me because x, y, and z..." People often just end up saying "you can't use that word here..." The important exchange of ideas part gets skipped too often...
As far as the "think of the children" argument goes... Well... It doesn't really go very far. I've raised children, by the age of thirteen they have a pretty good sense of, what is, and what isn't ok to say. If they're saying "bad words" they know that they're bad words. Show me a 13 year old who doesn't know your common "curse words" and I'll show you a kid who's playing dumb.