My question is kind of related to this one, in terms of people sometimes answering with this couldn't happen answers.
In writing some questions for the WorldBuilding.SE, sometimes I am looking for reality-check answers in which a reasonable answer is this couldn't happen (with a clear explanation of why included).
However, I've noticed a few questions, mine included, that do rely on the suspension of disbelief in situations that clearly would never happen, but asking about possible consequences anyway.
I'm not talking about magic or [tag questions, which usually clearly state it is a world in which magic exists, but rather a non-magic world where the laws of physics have been suspended somewhat, for a specific reason, and what other possible consequences would be a reaction of this.
In a lot of the cases, it is clear that the OP knows it is not a realistic scenario, but simply wants to know what a world like that would be like anyway, maybe just out of personal curiosity.
This still attracts a lot of comments and sometimes answers of this would never happen, which are unproductive based on the OP.
Is there any way a new tag could be added to address this? So that each of these posts isn't edited hours later with I know this isn't possible in the real-world, but...
I realize the irony that it is potentially a science-based question looking for science-based answers, where the question asks you to ignore science for it's very existence, but it could potentially get rid of this-wouldn't-happeners.
And it's kind of outside the realms of the speculative tag, as it is not necessarily asking for an anything can happen answer in an anything can happen question.
I realize from the questions that keep coming up in similar questions that this issue has been addressed multiple times (Yo dawg, I heard you like meta, so I put some meta in your meta...), such as trying to use science-fantasy but as far as I've looked there hasn't been a solid solution yet.
Could we possibly decide on something so that anyone else asking could be linked to it? There seems to be a lot of uncertainty around this issue.
EDIT: I really should have initially added an example.
I can't really speak for others on their behalf about whether they want to have this tag, so I'll use my own question about a space elevator as an example.
I've made it clear in the question (I hope) that it's not the possibility of the space escalator/elevator I'm after, but rather if one did exist, could a human potentially use it.
There is only one good answer who seemed to understand what I was asking for, which was that you needed to take the reality of the wind into consideration when using the fictional elevator/escalator.
A lot of the comments address the possibility of such an escalator/elevator, which is not what I was looking for. If I could have added a tag letting people know that the conditions are set in stone but the considerations of those conditions are what I'm seeking, it would have possibly saved a lot of those people's time.