
How can Santa exist when adults buy the toys?

Why was this seen as off-topic?
Is world-building reserved for subject matter suitable to an adult audience?

If the OP (who is not me) is a children's author, looking for a plausible explanation for the weird behavior of parents in their Santa-is-real Children's story... How is that not world-building?

I do not know the OP, nor do I know that the OP is a children's author. I'm involved here only in self-interest: I wrote a really cool answer and the question got closed moments before I could post it. At first, I posted my answer as three-successive comments, then I thought better and deleted those comments so that I could bring the discussion here

  • $\begingroup$ The question has now been reopened. $\endgroup$
    – HDE 226868 Mod
    Commented Apr 1, 2015 at 20:58
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @HDE226868 I would suggest that you add that as an answer (separate from your existing answer) so that it can be accepted. $\endgroup$
    – user
    Commented Apr 2, 2015 at 9:52

3 Answers 3


I was the second to vote to close, so I'll voice my rationale.

The question, as phrased, seemed - and still seems, so some extent - to me to be more a reflection on our world, not a built world. The title itself, "How can . . ." (emphasis mine) is also along the lines of, "This is a commentary on our world." At least, that's how it seemed to me.

For what it's worth, I voted to close not as off-topic but as unclear - which sucks, because the close message indicates that I thought it was off-topic. I thought it was on-topic, I just didn't understand it, because it seemed like the heart of it wasn't as prominently placed.

As for my rationale for voting to reopen. . .

Is world-building reserved for subject matter suitable to an adult audience?

(Cough cough) Awkward moment. Funny, how I'm a kid voicing my opinion here.

There wasn't really much wrong with the question, looking back. Bret called it "rambling", and tried to fix that a bit. It just seemed a bit confusing. But I think it's all right because it discusses a societal aspect. We've had . . . erm . . . controversial questions regarding in-world beliefs, and they're on-topic. The beliefs discussed here are simply different. And they aren't beliefs, come to think of it.

I for one look forward to seeing your answer, should the question be reopened.


I'm leaning towards a reopen now that it has been changed, even though the change is small. It feels on-topic enough for me. He gave clear definitions of what he wanted out of santa-clause world, and expressed what he thought made it difficult to implement.


As per Michael's comment . . .

The question has now been re-opened. And Henry has added his answer, which has turned out to be very good.


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