
I posted this question about cool-looking yet ineffective weaponry, and am confused as to why I have down votes. There are no close votes, and I'm 90% sure I'm following all the guidelines. It isn't unclear or anything, although I hadn't done much research on the subject before posting so that might cause some down votes. But, on other questions where I ask before researching, they didn't get down votes(if they were, it was for other reasons).

What am I doing wrong in this question?

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Must be the wall of text. Try splitting them into paragraphs. $\endgroup$
    – user80961
    Commented Dec 2, 2020 at 20:41

1 Answer 1


Any answer we can give here will be purely speculative until the miserable miscreants reveal their own rationales.

In skimming the query, I can really only conclude that the issue might be one of your style of presentation. As originally written, it was as has been said, a wall of text.

  • Walls of text are unpopular because we have to slog through them. This demonstrates that you don't know how to present your ideas.
  • Your writing style is also slightly jocular and slightly careless: too many uses of words like "dealio" and "thingy". It demonstrates that you don't care enough to learn what the "dealio" is actually called, with the result that a respondent might not care enough to bother answering.
  • Your query is about twelve times as long as it needs to be. It basically boils down to Would a set of guns mounted 180deg apart on a rotating platform as per the design sketch be a viable design for any type of weapon (handheld, emplacement, or vehicle mounted)?
  • Per T. Sar's comment, some users immediately downvote something that is made to entertain a silly idea instead of actual stuff that can be used in creating a piece of fiction. The "Just a random idea I had" might be enough to trigger this instinct.

It's not that long questions are inherently bad. It's not that jocular wording is bad. It's not even that long-winded presentation is (necessarily) bad. It's just that, in my opinion, the perfect storm of all these things, and possibly others, ticked a couple readers off enough to downvote your query.

That said, stylistic issues aside (which I think you could profitably edit away), I honestly don't find your query to be either useless, unclear, or particularly lacking in research. (Those are what we consider especially valid reasons for downvoting.) Thus, I wouldn't downvote. Though I wouldn't necessarily upvote either! And that's a different matter.

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Another thing I would add - some users immediately downvote something that is made to entertain a silly idea instead of actual stuff that can be used on creating a piece of fiction. The "Just a random idea I had" might be enough to trigger this instinct. $\endgroup$
    – Mermaker
    Commented Dec 14, 2020 at 17:47

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