Yesterday, there was a question of rather gruesome content. OP asked on how to make female-on-male rape a torture practice. No surprise this question got disliked a lot simply for its content - not most peoples favorite topic.
While I did read some of the comments and people discussing their disgust of the topic, there was no discussion regarding closing or deleting the question. At least not when I saw it.
Did OP delete the question themselves? Or was it deleted by the community or a moderator?
If it was one of the latter: why?
While I totally get the disliking of gruesome content like that, I was not aware that generally brutality was off limits. After all there are very popular questions including mass murder, turning the streets red with blood, etc..
EDIT: Although the possible duplicate question is coming from the same place, I wanted to figure out in details why the content got deleted. This is why I consider this not to be a duplicate at all.
Final comment:
I think I should have made it clearer in this post that I was just wanted to know the reasoning and did not presume the mods were unjustified in deleting it. The Question in question (yes, I am aware of my eloquence.) felt off, but I
did not see a reason that felt legitimate to flag it. I know better now.
In HDE226868's answer to this question you can read the statement of the mods about this. (other mods agreed to it in the comments)