We are starting to have a problem with psychology questions. While the impact of events on a culture is part of Worldbuilding, you could easily write a thesis on even the smallest change and how it permeates through society.
Thus I have two requests:
Can we get a warning tag for psychology like stack overflow does if you tag java and javascript? Something that says how broad a field it is an that you need to focus on a narrow aspect?
Questions that ask about psychology are required to have narrow scope. When you ask about psychology, ask about a very specific aspect. Questions that say "Could this change to psychology cause this?" are good. Questions that say "If {something happens} how would the world react?" are clearly bad.
As an aside, we need to start enforcing our back it up policy with these questions a lot more strictly.
(As usual with these kinds of posts. Upvote for agreement, downvote for disagreement, answers for responses and considerations)