As someone who participated in closing, and actually started the process of closing at least two of your questions, I feel I should answer. Existing answer is comprehensive, and good, but you know, you accused me and "my friends".
First thing first, I'm no personal friend of any one else that participated in closing your questions. Or, if I am, I have no idea and can't figure out any connection between nick names and people I know. And no one asked me to do so. Your assumption here is wrong.
Second thing, about who did it. Users did it. In a way, we all are moderators with various levels of power. But no one that voted is a diamond, official moderator. I posted 148 answers and reached ~305k people. In the process of getting there, I was told many, many times when I was wrong. And when I was, I tried to improve, and other users rewarded me for this. That's how I got some privileges, including privilege to vote to close. But my vote would be totally meaningless if it was solitary. Four other experienced users needed to agree with me for it to matter. You believe your questions are OK. People who spent long hours asking and answering hundreds of questions think otherwise. That's it. It wasn't any coordinated effort to punish you. It is a collective effort to keep this site high quality.
We are here to help you. To help anyone who needs help. That's why we answer a lot (other voters are also good answerers, possibly better than me, but who I am to judge?). Closing questions that doesn't meet standards has only one purpose: to keep noise down. To keep quality high. Ultimately, to keep people with passion, patience and knowledge here, answering. Because if such people will go away, no one will get good answers and site will fail. Voting is no fun. But we do it, in our own free time. Stop and think about it, please.